Small claims courts can be used by any individual, partnership, 协会或公司的民事索赔不超过$3,500. 小额申索案件的程序简单到足以让当事人提交所有所需的表格,并在非正式聆讯中代表自己. 律师通常是不被允许的,但如果各方都同意,也可能被允许参加. 

All cases are heard by either a judge or hearing officer, 那么谁来做出对双方都有约束力的最终决定呢. 在小额索赔案件中,没有陪审团审判或上诉的权利. Formal Rules of Procedure do not apply. 

任何一方均可反对在小额索赔分庭进行诉讼. 有关要求必须在聆讯预定时间最少10个工作天前以书面提出. The case then will be transferred, the rules of civil procedure apply to the case, permitting claims in excess of $3,500, attorney representation, jury trial and appeal. 要求转让的一方将被收取转让费. 

法院的书记员可以回答大多数与管辖权有关的问题, venue, 本网站无法为您解答的申诉或程序. 请记住,书记员不能从事法律业务,不能给您提供法律建议.

Statutes of Limitation

民事诉讼的时效从引起诉讼的事件发生之日起计算. 民事诉讼和小额索赔的时效都适用. Please note, this list is meant as a general guide. 并非下面列出的所有案件都可以在司法法院提交或审理. Click here 查看亚利桑那州法律概述的诉讼时效法规.

One Year

Malicious prosecution; false imprisonment; libel or slander; breach of employment contract; wrongful termination; liability created by statute 

Two Years

Personal injury; injury when death ensues; damage to property; conversion of property; product liability; forcible entry and forcible detainer 

Three Years

Debt from oral contract; stated or open account; relief on ground of fraud or mistake 

Four Years

Bond to convey realty; partnership account; account between merchants; judgment or instrument given or made without the state; bond of personal representative or guardian; specific performance of contract to convey realty, 没有规定时效的诉讼(追回不动产除外)

Six Years

Written contracts for debt

Note: 在某些特殊情况下,时限可以延长或推迟. 请咨询律师,以确定这些情况是否适用于你的情况.


Initiating a Small Claims Case

原告(提起诉讼的个人或组织)通过向适当的司法法院提交投诉来开始小额索赔案件. Click here for online instructions and online forms. The case must be filed in the correct venue. 原告必须在被告(被起诉的个人或组织)居住或经营业务的司法法院提起诉讼, or where the act/incident took place. 

Click here 去定位科寻求帮助,为你的案子确定正确的辖区. 

Click here for examples of how to fill in "defendant designation". 

Click here for a list of fees associated with Small Claims cases

Click here for the Small Claims Instructions & Guide, and other forms related to small claims cases



在小额索赔案件中,任何一方都不能对法官或听证官的决定提出上诉. 如果任何一方认为判决有误, 或者一方有充分的理由不出庭, 当事人可以提出撤销判决的动议,要求法院撤销判决, or vacate, the judgment. 法院将审查该动议,并将其决定通知双方.


原告可能被判对被告提出的索赔作出判决,被告可能被判对原告提出的反诉(如果提出反诉)作出判决. 作出判决的一方被称为判决债权人,被判决的一方被称为判决债务人. 

获取判定债务人的就业情况, 银行账户或其他资产,你可要求法院下令在审判结束后立即或在判决后的任何其他时间对债务人进行审查. 签发和送达债务人审查令(称为补充程序令)需要额外的费用和费用。. 

Writ of Garnishment

在你以正式书面要求支付判决金额后,可发出扣押入息令状. 可就非盈利发出扣押令状,以扣押其他资产, such as a bank account or other income property.

Writ of Execution

执行令状授权警务人员对价值不菲的非豁免个人财产征收税款. 您必须提供物业的描述和位置. 

书记员可以向你提供必要的罚没或执行表格. 你须为发出和送达扣押令状及执行令状支付额外费用. 如果你的判决是由一场车祸导致的,你有一份事故报告,但在判决生效后60天内仍未支付, you may notify the court. 然后,一名职员将向亚利桑那州6686皇冠最新登陆部报告未付款情况, Motor Vehicle Division. MVD will suspend the judgment debtor's driver's license, registration and non-resident operating privilege.

当你被全额支付时,你必须向法院提交一份《6686皇冠最新登陆》. This form is available from the court.