- How does the court get my name for Jury Service?
法院收到一份有驾照的司机和身份证持有者的名单, over the age of 18, 机动车辆管理局和选民登记处的登记选民名单. The court uses this list to call prospective jurors for Jury Service.
- How much will I be paid for Jury Service? When will I get paid?
Currently, jurors receive $12.从他们的家出发的路程,可以按65英镑的费率报销.5 cents per mile. Jury payroll is done every Friday.
- Juror Lodging
To be eligible for reimbursement for meals and provided lodging, a sworn 陪审员在担任陪审员期间,应当居住在离住所75英里或75英里以上的地方. 陪审员在挑选陪审员前一晚所作的住宿安排将不获补偿. All lodging arrangements for sworn jurors will be made by Court Administration.
- How many times may I be called to serve on a jury?
As a juror, once you appear for a trial, regardless of if you are chosen to serve on that panel, 在莫哈韦县法院系统,你的陪审团服务被认为完成了两年.
- How long will I have to serve as a juror?
The first step in Jury Service is the selection of jurors. This process usually takes less than one day. 为了选择陪审团,法院会召集比必要时更多的人. 这样做是为了确保法庭有足够数量的陪审员可供选择. If you are selected to serve as a juror, the judge will let you know how long he or she anticipates the trial to last. In the justice and municipal courts, trials are usually completed in one day.
- What is proper attire for court?
As a juror, you are an officer of the court; and should dress appropriately. Business casual attire is suggested. The temperature of the jury assembly room and courtrooms can be unpredictable; you may want to bring a sweater or jacket. Shorts, miniskirts, tank tops, halters, braless dresses or tops, graphic tee-shirts, 在法庭场合,橡胶凉鞋和其他非正式服装被认为是不合适的. 如果你穿着这些或其他不适合出庭的衣服, 你可能会被要求自费回家换上更合适的服装,或者你的陪审员服务可能会被重新安排到另一个日期.
- How may I be excused from Jury Service?
原定出席陪审员服务的人士,只可将首次出席陪审员服务的日期推迟两次. On timely request, postponement shall be granted if all of the following apply:
1. The prospective juror has not been granted two prior postponements.
2. 准陪审员可以通过电话、电子邮件或书面形式与陪审团专员联系,要求延期.
Excuses are not generally granted on the basis of religious beliefs, moral beliefs, status as business proprietor, professional status as doctor or lawyer, etc.; however, you may request to be excused for ANY reason two times only. If you are requesting a permanent excuse due to one of the above reasons, you will need to write a letter to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court.
- If you are requesting a permanent excuse:
- 因身体或精神健康状况而寻求免除陪审员服务的陪审员必须向陪审团办公室提供一份由持牌医疗保健专业人员出具的书面声明. 声明必须采用书面形式,并应包括任何流动限制的说明和期限, 使准陪审员在精神上或身体上不适合担任陪审员的具体症状及其持续时间, the employment status of the prospective juror and the printed name, signature, professional license number if applicable, area of specialty and contact information of the authorizing physician, registered nurse practitioner or professional caregiver. There is a medical form available (CLICK HERE),或者医生手写的有官方抬头的证明也可以接受.
- 陪审员如因公众利益而申请豁免担任陪审员,必须解释他们的服务将如何对公众利益或福利产生重大不利影响.
- 如果陪审员目前不能理解英语语言,他们可以被免除陪审员服务, and do not wish to have an interpreter provided.
- 作为成年看护人的陪审员,如果想申请免除陪审服务,必须提供一份病人医生的陈述. The statement must confirm that that the patient requires care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 一年365天,还必须指定陪审员作为唯一的照顾者,并解释为什么不能提供替代照顾,即使是一天.
- 如果陪审员因照顾儿童而申请不担任陪审员,必须提供抚养证明(出生证明)。. 如果孩子是学龄儿童,陪审员必须解释为什么他们不能在上学时间担任陪审员. A juror does not qualify for the caregiver exemption if they are employed.
- 陪审员如果因经济困难而申请免除陪审员服务,必须提供证明其经济困难的文件, 陪审员所承担的费用,将对该人支付必要的日常生活费用或陪审员为其提供经常工作或主要生活手段的人产生重大不利影响. 陪审员必须通过提供支持性文件,如联邦和州所得税申报表,证明即使担任陪审员一天,也会使他们遵守联邦扶贫准则.
- 由于担任执法人员而寻求免除陪审团服务的陪审员必须目前获得亚利桑那州和平官员标准和培训委员会(AZPOST)的认证,并且目前在本州或本州的任何政治分支机构中担任和平官员. 和平事务主任的雇主不得以任何方式影响该和平事务主任向法庭提出申请或不申请豁免担任陪审员.
- 准陪审员年龄在七十五岁以上的,可以请求暂时或永久回避.
- 由于学生身份而申请免除陪审员服务的陪审员必须提供证明他们在学院或大学全日制注册的文件. 陪审员必须提供其当前班级注册的副本,显示其当前注册的单元数量. 学生是否应该居住在莫哈维县,白天全职工作,而作为全日制夜间学生入学, the juror will not be excused from service.
- 由于现役军人身份而寻求免除陪审员服务的陪审员必须提供证明他们目前正在服役的文件, where they are based and how long they are enlisted for. 在无法联系到陪审员的情况下,家庭成员也可以提供这些文件.